Nerisa Kalošin, ID: 05218349
Nové sady 988/2, 602 00, Brno, Czechia
Single entrepreneur operating under a business licence.
©2024 Nerisa Kaloshin | Images by freepik and Pexels
The name of this style is based on the girl-next-door archetype, which is often the romantic heroine in a movie or TV show, the kind of regular girl that the male protagonist eventually falls in love with after they’ve been neighbours for twenty years. The girl next door has unassuming, casual style and wears jeans, tank tops, shirts, sneakers and a ponytail, sometimes a simple skirt or dress. It resembles sporty style but it’s a little more feminine.
It’s a fairly neutral style, you could even say that a lot of people (mainly in the countryside but also in cities) dress in it completely “by default” (it’s simply their first choice and they don’t even think about looking for a style of their own). There is nothing wrong with having this style, but it’s not right to try to force everyone into it just because it is generally well accepted. So it’s always good to consider if this style really suits you and you aren’t compelled to wear it just because everyone else is doing it and you’re afraid of standing out.
Although she may come from the city, she is a typical “village girl” (or suburban girl). She spent her childhood running around the garden and helping her mother, maybe taking care of her siblings, maybe playing with the boys. She is not a greenhouse flower, she can hike or camp, she doesn’t mind getting dirty and working with her hands, so she can easily handle life on a farm, but she is still rather feminine and would be best suited as a teacher, retail clerk, florist, or stay-at-home mom.
Relationships and family are usually more important to her than career ambitions. She is practical, down-to-earth, patient, kind, tolerant, reliable. Sometimes she tries to please everyone and be “perfect” and then her surroundings take advantage of that, so she has to surround herself with people who respect her and learn to say no and take time for herself.
Jeans and a monochrome tank top or T-shirt are quite typical for her, with an unbuttoned shirt and sneakers on her feet. She doesn’t care much for jewellery, at most she will wear a simple necklace she got from her husband for their anniversary or a friendship bracelet from a friend. She may also wear dresses, often rural, cotton, of simple cut. She may also wear a more or less plain linen skirt and with it, again, a T-shirt and sneakers or ballerinas. In winter she usually wears jackets, in spring perhaps trench coat or sweater.
Nerisa Kalošin, ID: 05218349
Nové sady 988/2, 602 00, Brno, Czechia
Single entrepreneur operating under a business licence.
©2024 Nerisa Kaloshin | Images by freepik and Pexels