Nerisa Kalošin, ID: 05218349
Nové sady 988/2, 602 00, Brno, Czechia
Single entrepreneur operating under a business licence.
©2024 Nerisa Kaloshin | Images by freepik and Pexels
The style we all know very well, because it is expected in business settings, exams, interviews and some social events, and is also taken as the sign of a “trustworthy, successful person” – the classic or elegant style. And since classic people, who often work in business and education, love tradition, order and regulations, we probably can’t expect anything to change about that anytime soon.
Unfortunately, it’s a style that only suits some people, i.e. those born to it, and those wearing few related styles like tomboy, dramatic, aristocratic or minimalist, if they adapt it a little. The rest of us may love it or hate it, but we do best to avoid it. If only because another style will be more comfortable for us.
Housewife, top manager or strict teacher. The classic woman holds a variety of positions, and likes to be respected by others. She cares about her social status, will be dissatisfied in the role of a cleaner or cashier, and if circumstances force her, she will at least try not to meet anyone she knows.
She takes social rules very seriously, so she tries to play by them and achieve the successes that society recognizes. Similarly, she tends to want others in her environment to get things done, to appear good, etc. In her eyes, being a valid, respected member of society is almost a condition of survival, and she also believes that rules and systems are necessary and without them everything would collapse. Because of this, she can be prone to perfectionism and criticize people who are out of line, rebel, and threaten the stability of the system. In her eyes, fighting for individuality is selfish.
Because she loves tradition and established practices, she is skeptical of progress and change. Of course, this does not mean that she is incapable of learning anything new, she just finds it harder to let go of the old and tried. However, as a practical woman who always has her feet on the ground and her head in reality, she can make good arguments. She believes in hard work, keeping commitments, respect for authority and often in God.
Her household is perfectly tidy and organized, as are her finances. In public, she is always neat and often appears sensible rather than emotional. She is polite at all times and only lets a swear word escape her in a state of great exasperation (and perhaps not even then). To others she can sometimes come across as the perfect woman who is impossible to match, but these high demands she places on herself can take a toll on her mental health and so she needs to find a balance between her ideals and what is possible.
The classic style doesn’t need much description, we all know it – sheath dresses and pencil skirts, suits, shirts and blouses, elegant monochrome trousers, just like for the office or behind the bank counter. They can also wear dresses with flared skirts slightly reminiscent of the fifties. Hair can be long or short, most often shoulder-length, a sleek bob, etc., or at least a strict bun.
The typical jewellery of the elegant is pearls. While they look great and timeless on classic women, most others will do well to steer clear of them as they make them look quite frankly ridiculous, like they’re playing pretend (me included). If you’re not born classic, you’re not fooling anyone, trust me.
Nerisa Kalošin, ID: 05218349
Nové sady 988/2, 602 00, Brno, Czechia
Single entrepreneur operating under a business licence.
©2024 Nerisa Kaloshin | Images by freepik and Pexels