Nerisa Kalošin, ID: 05218349
Nové sady 988/2, 602 00, Brno, Czechia
Single entrepreneur operating under a business licence.
©2024 Nerisa Kaloshin | Images by freepik and Pexels
It can be said that there are as many forms of natural style as there are people. From the famous “eco” blouses, to “ethno dreadlocks” and women in quite ordinary long skirts to the English countryside. But there is something that everyone who has a natural style shares – wearing natural colors and materials, comfortable cuts, gemstone jewelry, warm sweaters and cozy things. It’s inspired – of course – by nature, but also by the countryside and the past. There used to be no such thing as artificial materials and everyone had to live in harmony with nature. What used to be a necessity is now something we should choose. The earth is the mother of us all and we need it – the natural people realise this.
Love of nature is an obvious first condition. Most natural people long for a life on the countryside or at least to own a house with a garden. They may be naturally drawn to gardening and caring for animals. Also interest in crafts (pottery, knitting, …) cooking and herbalism is quite common among them. They can be rather homely types as well as adventurers who will go to the Amazon to photograph birds and spend a week wandering through the jungle (oh yes, biologists often qualify…).
They are usually peaceful and have a live and let live mentality. Some have no need to surround themselves with many things and live very modestly, others like to surround themselves with objects, but rather than luxuries you will find handmade products (from them, from friends and from shops), various vases, plants, paintings of nature, … Fair trade and ecology are also important for them – at least for the “eco” looking ones, but there are also natural people who are more sporty and practical and don’t care so much about ideals and nostalgia.
As I already mentioned, the alpha and omega for them are natural colors and materials. Airy in the summer, like cotton and linen, and wool in winter. They also like knit fabrics like jersey because they are comfortable and allow easy movement. The fits should be comfortable, either body-hugging so nothing gets caught in the twigs or oversized and easy to move in. Long skirts, large and small natural jewelry, monochromatic neutrality and ethnic patterns… each natural style has its own way. Some people get by with rustic linen dresses, others like to layer – tights, skirts, t-shirts, sweaters and a (faux) fur coat on top. In winter, it’s a pretty good strategy.
Nerisa Kalošin, ID: 05218349
Nové sady 988/2, 602 00, Brno, Czechia
Single entrepreneur operating under a business licence.
©2024 Nerisa Kaloshin | Images by freepik and Pexels