Historical, history-inspired, period style

While the vintage and retro styles fall into the twentieth century, the historical style is inspired by the oldest eras – from the fashion of antiquity to the end of the nineteenth century (except in the areas of Asia, Egypt and the Orient – that’s more of a “exotic” style). The variance of historical style is great. You can take inspiration from one particular, your favourite, period – Victorian fashion (or a special form of it called Steampunk), edwardian or medieval clothing are also popular. Or you can mix different periods, as you see fit.

The main difference between historical and fantasy styles is that historical style is based on actual history (shocker- right?), lacking magical elements, elven and fairy motifs, in short, it’s just clothes that actually appeared in history, without any supernatural additions. It also mostly varied across social classes. Historical clothing simply takes many forms.


Loving history and historical clothing is basically a prerequisite for wearing historical style. You’d be hard pressed to find a person who loves modern city life and is suited to Renaissance dress. However, this love doesn’t end with fashion, it manifests itself in an admiration for many things of a certain era – architecture, lifestyle. The wearer of historical dresses likes to visit castles and palaces, read historical novels, watch documentaries, attend lectures, … she wants to resemble as much as possible the ladies of her favourite period.

In the more “extreme” cases, she will live in the Victorian style, learn to arrange flowers, sew for a living rather than work behind a bank counter, or long for a man who will allow her to stay in the household, improve their “mansion” and take care of the children, because she prefers the classic female role. She dreams of a time when women were women and you’ll probably never hear a swear word from her. I mean, maybe, a lot of women prefering historical fashion are also out-spoken feminists. Still, they share the admiration for things or the past… but not necessarily the longing to actually live there.

Since historical women are hard to miss and often make historical dresses, you can take inspiration from the ones you see on social media.


It’s easy to spot historical style – look for clothes from other eras, ones that resemble film costumes. In its more civilian, unassuming form, historical style consists of things inspired by history – a cameo necklace, a coat resembling a cloak, a linen blouse with lacing worn with regular trousers, a long skirt and corset top, etc.

Not your style? Try another.